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Write a Bike Review

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At Bicycle-Guider, we do our best to track and compare bikes online based on their components, frames and price – but we know that’s not the whole story.

We need real customers – like YOU – to give us the inside scoop!

  • Do you get great bike – or was it a dissapointment?
  • Were you overcharged – or did you get the best bang for the buck?
  • What do you love – or hate – about buying bikes online?

ALSO: Cycling Writer Needed

You like bicycles? You like to cycle? You can analyze and write articles? Let me know – Bicycle Guider looks for good cycling writer! We pay for your work as well!

The good, the bad, the ugly – as long as it’s real.

If you’re using (or have used) any of the bikes listed on Amazon, please take 15 minutes to tell us about your experience.

Definitely add pictures.

Write to us via our contact page.